Black Box Press Foundation
The Black Box Press Foundation mission is to support artists in the production of an exhibition that brings together the creative energy of the arts to move us emotionally with the strategic planning of activism necessary to bring about social change. Social change doesn’t just happen, it materializes because people decide to make a change and take action.
Through exhibition grants the fund will advance the work of today’s artists and amplify our knowledge, talent, and persuasion power to influence change in whatever manner possible and ensure their essential contributions to communities around the world.
The Black Box Press Foundation is a targeted initiative to bring focus to how art can be used as a captivating means of shifting perspectives, changing mindsets, and evoking powerful emotions which can have a broad effect on the landscape and discourse around social justice in the world. The modern political and social terrain is a vast landscape of signs and symbols, narrative spin and performance. In order to operate successful within this nuanced topography we need to examine, evaluate, and execute with resources to move the narrative towards justice.
Lastly, we want to recognize and honor how artists have had a vital role in political and social history. The Black Box Press Foundation will continue the rich and varied tradition of artists having an active and leading role in social dialogue.
The time to take action and effect change is now.
Click on the following link to go to the Foundation website ==> Black Box Press Foundation